Sports Club

Sports Club

We at AFIS stress not only on studies but also focus on sports to keep our students physically fit. The Sports Club at our school is dedicated to fostering teamwork amongst students coming from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The students are also taught the significance of discipline, coordination, and communication. The teachers make sure that the students compete with each other in a healthy manner wherein they are competitors in the game but are peers outside the game.

The Sports Club also ensures maintaining a promising relationship between students from other classes. By laying emphasis on sports club and its activities we are helping the students realize their love for sports and also are creating a presumable future potential in the field of sports.

Practicing sports not only gives the students a healthy mind and a healthy body but also teaches them temperament, discipline, and life skills like self-confidence, responsibility, and problem-solving skills. The students also learn how to deal with heart-crushing disappointments. Not all games you play always award you triumph. You have some defeats that leave you shattered on the inside, notably if it was a close match.

Likewise, life is not perpetually rainbows and unicorns. There are dark days in which you should manage well without dropping your confidence. Through participation in sports the students discover how to handle failures that come their way and also help the others around them.