


The welfare of our students is our prime priority. To help them in academics and to also take care of their emotional wellbeing, We have general as well as individual Counselling sessions where the students have all the liberty to interact and express their concerns and worries. We have qualified counsellors to address the students’ concerns. In addition to this, all our facilitators are oriented to the importance of the emotional wellbeing of the learners and they encourage the students to come to them with anything that needs the support of their facilitators, coordinators/HODs/ Principal and parents. We work with the concerned parties to address any issue that requires to be resolved and do our best to help our students.

First AID

First Aid is given to our students in case of any injuries and they are immediately taken to the nearby hospitals if medical attention is required.
Our staff are trained in First Aid and to provide the required support to transfer the students to a medical facility during necessity.